主要是一些 Rust 语法记录,用于学习 Rust。 源于:rust-by-example (opens new window)
文档:Module std::fmt (opens new window)
// build: rustc main.rs
fn main() {
println!("Hello World!");
println!("{} {} {}", 123, "abc", 5.26666666); // 123 abc 5.26666666
println!("{0}, {1}, {1}, {0}","a", "b"); // a, b, b, a
// 命名参数
println!("{a} {b} {c}", a="1", b="2", c="3"); // 1 2 3
// 打印二进制 {:b}
println!("{} {:b}", 100, 100); // 100 1100100
println!("{number:>width$}", number=1, width=6); // (五个空格) 1
println!("{number:>0width$}", number=1, width=6); // 000001
// 打印结构体
#[derive(Debug)] // 属性语法,编译器会自动生成此结构体 fmt::Debug 的 fmt 方法
struct Structure(i32);
println!("{:?}", Structure(3));
// stderr
eprintln!("{}\n", format!("{}", 123));
// via {:x} https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/#formatting-traits
struct Deep(Structure);
println!("{:?} {:?} {1:?} {0:?} {actor:?}", 1, "2", actor="actor's"); // 1 "2" "2" 1 "actor\'s"
println!("{:?}", Deep(Structure(7))); // Deep(Structure(7))
struct Person<'a> {
name: &'a str,
age: u8
let name = "Peter";
let age = 27;
let peter = Person { name, age };
// Pretty print
println!("{:#?}", peter);
// Person {
// name: "Peter",
// age: 27,
// }
// 手动实现结构体的 fmt::Display
impl std::fmt::Display for Structure { // 也可以文件开始引用,这点和 C++ 一样:use std::fmt;
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.0)
println!("{}", Structure(123)); // 123
// 问号为处理错误方式,语法糖,后面语法会介绍
struct List(Vec<i32>);
impl std::fmt::Display for List {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let vec = &self.0;
write!(f, "[")?;
for (count, v) in vec.iter().enumerate() {
if count != 0 { write!(f, ", ")?; }
write!(f, "{}", v)?;
write!(f, "]")
let v = List(vec![1, 2, 3]);
println!("{} {:?} {:?}", v, v, v.0); // [1, 2, 3] List([1, 2, 3]) [1, 2, 3]
整形默认为 i32 浮点为 f64
fn main() {
#![allow(unused_variables)] // 允许没有使用的 value
#![allow(unused_assignments)] // 允许没有使用的赋值 否则编译器会 warn,但是编译会通过
// 变量标注
let logical: bool = true;
let a_float: f64 = 1.0;
// 后缀标注
let an_integer = 5i32;
// 默认类型
let default_float = 3.0; // `f64`
let default_integer = 7; // `i32`
// 类型推断,下一行 inferred_type 为 i64
let mut inferred_type = 12;
inferred_type = 4294967296i64;
// mut 定义的变量可修改,无 mut 关键字定义不可修改
let mut mutable = 12;
mutable = 21;
// 错误,类型不符合
// mutable = true;
// 可覆盖定义
let mutable = true;
// 数字可下划线
println!("One million is written as {}", 1_000_000u32);
// 不同进制,二进制、16进制
println!("{:04b} {:04b}", 0b0011u32, 0x80u32);
// tuple 类型可放多种类型,可以放入任意数量的值
let long_tuple = (1u8, 2u16, 3u32, 4u64,
-1i8, -2i16, -3i32, -4i64,
0.1f32, 0.2f64,
'a', true);
println!("{} {:?}", long_tuple.0, long_tuple); // tuple 访问
// 嵌套
let tuple_of_tuples = ((1u8, 2u16, 2u32), (4u64, -1i8), -2i16);
println!("{:?}", tuple_of_tuples);
// 元组打印最多只能 12 个,编译器的限制
// let too_long_tuple = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);
// println!("too long tuple: {:?}", too_long_tuple.12);
// reverse 操作
let pair = (1, true);
println!("the reversed pair is {:?}", reverse(pair));
// 可以这样取值
let tuple = (1, "hello", 4.5, true);
let (a, b, c, d) = tuple;
println!("{:?}, {:?}, {:?}, {:?}", a, b, c, d);
// 字段未命名结构体
struct Matrix(f32, f32, f32, f32);
let matrix = Matrix(1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2);
println!("{:?}", matrix);
// 数组
let xs: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// 500 长度,全部初始化为 0
let ys: [i32; 500] = [0; 500];
println!("{} {} {}", xs[0], xs.len(), ys.len());
// 数组占用栈内存空间
println!("array occupies {}、{} bytes", std::mem::size_of_val(&xs), std::mem::size_of_val(&ys));
// [starting_index..ending_index)
// [2, 3, 4]
// 数组可以自动当做 slice 访问,slice 必须是引用类型
analyze_slice(&xs[1 .. 4]);
fn reverse(pair: (i32, bool)) -> (bool, i32) {
// `let` can be used to bind the members of a tuple to variables
let (integer, boolean) = pair;
(boolean, integer)
// 数组函数传递
fn analyze_slice(slice: &[i32]) {
println!("first element of the slice: {}", slice[2]);
println!("the slice has {} elements", slice.len());
// A unit struct
struct Unit;
// A tuple struct
struct Pair(i32, f32);
// A struct with two fields
struct Point {
x: f32,
y: f32,
// Structs can be reused as fields of another struct
struct Rectangle {
top_left: Point,
bottom_right: Point,
// enum 类型
enum WebEvent {
PageLoad, // An `enum` may either be `unit-like`, 可以是 unit 形式的
KeyPress(char), // like tuple structs,
Click { x: i64, y: i64 }, // or c-like structures.
// 匹配 WebEvent 枚举类型,使用 match 关键词
fn inspect(event: WebEvent) {
match event {
WebEvent::PageLoad => println!("page loaded"),
WebEvent::PageUnload => println!("page unloaded"),
WebEvent::KeyPress(c) => println!("pressed '{}'.", c),
WebEvent::Paste(s) => println!("pasted \"{}\".", s),
WebEvent::Click { x, y } => {
println!("clicked at x={}, y={}.", x, y);
enum Status {
// 可以当做数字,从 0 开始
enum Number {
// 自定义数字
enum Color {
Red = 0xff0000,
Green = 0x00ff00,
Blue = 0x0000ff,
// 常量与静态变量
static LANGUAGE: &str = "Rust";
const THRESHOLD: i32 = 10;
fn main() {
let point: Point = Point { x: 10.3, y: 0.4 };
println!("point coordinates: ({}, {})", point.x, point.y);
// 复制结构体,其中更改 x 字段
let bottom_right = Point { x: 5.2, ..point };
println!("second point: ({}, {})", bottom_right.x, bottom_right.y);
// 重新命名,解构,两边是大括号
let Point { x: top_edge, y: left_edge } = point;
let _rectangle = Rectangle {
top_left: Point { x: left_edge, y: top_edge },
bottom_right, // 这里可以简写命名
// Instantiate a unit struct
let _unit = Unit;
let pair = Pair(1, 0.1);
println!("pair contains {:?} and {:?}", pair.0, pair.1);
// 命名解构
let Pair(integer, decimal) = pair;
println!("pair contains {:?} and {:?}", integer, decimal);
// tuple struct 不能这样解构取值,必须声明类型
// let (a, b) = pair;
// println!("{} {}", a, b);
// 枚举类型创建
let pressed = WebEvent::KeyPress('x');
// `to_owned()` creates an owned `String` from a string slice.
let _pasted = WebEvent::Paste("my text".to_owned()); // 未使用变量使用下划线标识,否则编译器会报错
let _click = WebEvent::Click { x: 20, y: 80 };
let _load = WebEvent::PageLoad;
let _unload = WebEvent::PageUnload;
inspect(pressed); // ...
use crate::Status::*;
// 等价于 `Status::Poor`. 上面使用了 use 可以这么写
let status = Poor;
match status {
Rich => println!("The rich have lots of money!"),
Poor => println!("The poor have no money..."),
println!("zero is {}", Number::Zero as i32);
println!("one is {}", Number::One as i32);
// 需要使用 as 关键词转换,否则会因为类型报错,Color::Red 是 Color 类型
println!("roses are #{:06x}", Color::Red as i32);
println!("violets are #{:06x}", Color::Blue as i32);
fn main() {
let _immutable_binding = 1;
let mut mutable_binding = 1; // mut 关键词的变量才可以修改
mutable_binding += 1;
// _immutable_binding += 1; 这行编译会报错
let long_lived_binding = 1;
let shadowed_binding = 1;
let a_binding; // 未初始化变量
let mut _mutable_integer = 7i32;
let short_lived_binding = 2;
println!("inner short: {}", short_lived_binding);
// 当前范围可以拿到外部范围的变量
println!("before being shadowed: {}", shadowed_binding);
let shadowed_binding = "abc"; // 可以重新绑定赋值
println!("shadowed in inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);
let x = 2;
a_binding = x * x; // 内部可初始化变量
let _mutable_integer = _mutable_integer;
// _mutable_integer = 50; 虽然 _mutable_integer 外部是 mut,但是上面重新绑定无 mut 关键词,这里是不能更改的
// println!("outer short: {}", short_lived_binding); // 这行编译会报错,变量 short_lived_binding 对当范围不可见
println!("outer long: {}", long_lived_binding);
// 虽然上面块内改变了这个值,但是对这里不可见
println!("outside inner block: {}", shadowed_binding);
// 外部可以重新绑定
let shadowed_binding = 2;
println!("shadowed in outer block: {}", shadowed_binding);
println!("a binding: {}", a_binding);
let another_binding;
// println!("another binding: {}", another_binding); // 这行编译会报错,another_binding 未初始化
another_binding = 1;
println!("another binding: {}", another_binding);
// 当前范围有 mut 关键词,可更改
_mutable_integer = 3;
Rust 使用 [[ llvm ]] 作为编译器。
// Suppress all warnings from casts which overflow.
fn main() {
let decimal = 65.4321_f32;
let integer = decimal as u8;
let character = integer as char;
// 浮点不能转换成 char
// let character = decimal as char;
println!("Casting: {} -> {} -> {}", decimal, integer, character);
// when casting any value to an unsigned type, T,
// T::MAX + 1 is added or subtracted until the value
// fits into the new type
// 1000 already fits in a u16
println!("1000 as a u16 is: {}", 1000 as u16);
// 1000 - 256 - 256 - 256 = 232
// 1000 => 0b1111101000 i32 => u8 0b11101000 232 高位会被截断
println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
// -1 + 256 = 255
// -1 => 0b11111111 => u8 0b11111111 255
println!("-1 => 0b{:b} -1 as a u8 is : {} ", -1i8, (-1i8) as u8);
// 对于正数有: 1000i32 as u8 == 1000 % 256
println!("1000 mod 256 is : {}", 1000 % 256);
// When casting to a signed type, the (bitwise) result is the same as
// first casting to the corresponding unsigned type. If the most significant
// bit of that value is 1, then the value is negative.
println!(" 128 as a i16 is: {}", 128 as i16);
// 128 => 0b10000000 => i8 => 0b10000000 符号位为1 正好转换为负数 -128
// 负数以其正值的补码形式表达:0b10000000-1 = 0b01111111 再按位取反 0b1000000 => 128
println!("128 as a i8 is : {}", 128 as i8);
// 1000 as u8 -> 232
println!("1000 as a u8 is : {}", 1000 as u8);
// 232 => 0b11101000 => -1 => 0b11100111 => 取反 => 0b00011000 => 十进制为 24,这里结果为 -24
println!("232 => 0b{:b} 232 as a i8 is : {}", 232, 232 as i8);
// Since Rust 1.45, the `as` keyword performs a *saturating cast* when casting from float to int.
// If the floating point value exceeds the upper bound or is less than the lower bound, the returned value will be equal to the bound crossed.
// 1.45 版本之后浮点数转换如果超过范围则取临近的极值
println!("300.0 is {}", 300.0_f32 as u8); // 300.0 is 255
println!("-100.0 as u8 is {}", -100.0_f32 as u8); // -100.0 as u8 is 0
println!("nan as u8 is {}", f32::NAN as u8); // nan as u8 is 0
// This behavior incures a small runtime cost and can be avoided with unsafe methods, however the results might overflow and return **unsound values**. Use these methods wisely:
// 上面的转换实际上可能会加入额外的逻辑在代码中,会有一些小成本,unsafe 可避免这种问题
unsafe {
// 以下行为为内部函数行为,使用 LLVM IR fptoui/fptosi 指令,超出范围的值会导致行为不确定 https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/intrinsics/fn.float_to_int_unchecked.html
// 这些值在 LLVM 中称作 poisonvalues https://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html#poisonvalues
println!("300.0 is {}", 300.0_f32.to_int_unchecked::<u8>()); // 300.0 is 44
println!("-100.0 as u8 is {}", (-100.0_f32).to_int_unchecked::<u8>()); // -100.0 as u8 is 156
println!("nan as u8 is {}", f32::NAN.to_int_unchecked::<u8>()); // nan as u8 is 0
let elem = 5u8;
let mut vec = Vec::new();
// vec.push(2f32); 自动推断 vec 为 Vec<u8> 类型,这里会报错
println!("{:?}", vec);
// 类型别名
type NanoSecond = u64;
type Inch = u64;
// 注释允许使用非驼峰命名,一般情况下别名都使用驼峰命名
type u64_t = u64;
// `NanoSecond` = `Inch` = `u64_t` = `u64`.
let nanoseconds: NanoSecond = 5 as u64_t;
let inches: Inch = 2 as u64_t;
// Note that type aliases *don't* provide any extra type safety, because
// aliases are *not* new types
println!("{} nanoseconds + {} inches = {} unit?",
nanoseconds + inches);
use std::convert::From;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::fmt;
struct Number {
value: i32,
impl From<i32> for Number {
fn from(item: i32) -> Self {
Number { value: item }
// PartialEq 用于判断两个结构体相等的属性
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct EvenNumber(i32);
impl TryFrom<i32> for EvenNumber {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if value % 2 == 0 {
} else {
struct Circle {
radius: i32
impl fmt::Display for Circle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Circle of radius {}", self.radius)
fn main() {
// From and Into
// 标准库自带的 from 实现
let my_str = "hello";
let my_string = String::from(my_str);
println!("{}", my_string);
// 实现自己的 from
let num = Number::from(30);
println!("My number is {:?}", num);
// 另一种转换方式
let int = 5;
// 这里要生命类型,否则编译器会报错
let num: Number = int.into();
let t_str: String = my_string.into();
println!("My number is {:?} String: {}", num, t_str);
// TryFrom 和 TryInto 是容易出错的场景,可以返回转换失败的错误
assert_eq!(EvenNumber::try_from(8), Ok(EvenNumber(8)));
assert_eq!(EvenNumber::try_from(5), Err(()));
let result: Result<EvenNumber, ()> = 8i32.try_into();
assert_eq!(result, Ok(EvenNumber(8)));
let result: Result<EvenNumber, ()> = 5i32.try_into();
assert_eq!(result, Err(()));
// 转换字符串为实现 Display 方法
let circle = Circle { radius: 6 };
println!("{}", circle.to_string());
// 解析字符串
// i32 类型实现 FromStr 函数
// 两种写法,一种是提前定义好类型,另外是传入泛型类型
let parsed: i32 = "5".parse().unwrap();
let turbo_parsed = "10".parse::<i32>().unwrap();
let sum = parsed + turbo_parsed;
println!("Sum: {:?}", su